Warehouses authorised by AIFA and ATS
For the storage of sensitive goods
Our warehouses for storing sensitive goods have obtained authorisation from AIFA (the Italian Medicines Agency) for warehousing quarantined Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) and their relative change of status from quarantined to approved.
Warehouses authorised by AIFA and ATS
For the storage of sensitive goods
Our warehouses for storing sensitive goods have obtained authorisation from AIFA (the Italian Medicines Agency) for warehousing quarantined Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) and their relative change of status from quarantined to approved.
The benefits of an AIFA- and ATS-authorised warehouse
The authorisations granted by AIFA (the Italian Medicines Agency) and ATS (the Health Protection Agency) certify that our warehouses are compliant with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) and respect regulations for the storage of quarantined and approved pharmaceuticals and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs).
Thanks to these authorisations, pharmaceutical companies can delegate the storage and handling of their products to qualified and trained personnel, who ensure compliance with the regulations in force.
API Materie Prime
farmacologicamente Attive
Starting Materials farmaceutici
Integratori alimentari
e nutraceutici
The benefits of an AIFA- and ATS-authorised warehouse
The authorisations granted by AIFA (the Italian Medicines Agency) and ATS (the Health Protection Agency) certify that our warehouses are compliant with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) and respect regulations for the storage of quarantined and approved pharmaceuticals and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs).
Thanks to these authorisations, pharmaceutical companies can delegate the storage and handling of their products to qualified and trained personnel, who ensure compliance with the regulations in force.
Magazzini dedicati alle merci sensibili
Nei nostri depositi gestiamo la logistica e la movimentazione di merci sensibili garantendo uno spazio conforme alle normative vigenti e alle esigenze dei singoli prodotti.
Ensure your products are safe and secure
Fill out the form below and get in touch with us for the storage and transport of pharmaceutical products, Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) in a state of quarantine plus Starting Materials for the pharmaceutical industry.
We will reply as soon as possible with a deposit proposal tailored to your needs.